New TV Ad Contrasts Tillis’ Paycheck Protection Program Successes With Cunningham’s Lies And Hypocrisy

August 5th, 2020
Tillis: “I’ll do anything to get North Carolina back to work”
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – In a new direct-to-camera TV ad, Thom Tillis contrasts his commitment to getting North Carolinians back to work as the state’s COVID-19 recovery effort continues with Cal Cunningham’s lies and hypocrisy on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
“Senator Tillis has proven over the course of this pandemic that his number one priority is fighting for the physical and economic health of his constituents, while Cal Cunningham has proven that he will say anything to get elected,” said Tillis campaign manager Luke Blanchat. “When Senator Tillis worked across the aisle to pass the Paycheck Protection Program that saved one million North Carolina jobs, Cal Cunningham hypocritically criticized the program and then got caught lying trying to cover it up. As Cunningham continues to give North Carolinians more reasons not to trust him, Senator Tillis will continue to deliver results.”
Watch “Anything” HERE.
THOM TILLIS: The Paycheck Protection Program – forgivable loans that help businesses like this one stay open in the pandemic. I’m Thom Tillis, and I helped get it passed. Cal Cunningham criticized me for that bill even though Cal’s own company took that money too. He lied about it at first, and then he got caught. Cal will say anything to get elected. Not me. I’ll do anything to get North Carolina back to work.
- In recent interviews, speeches and op-eds, Tillis has consistently pointed out the contrast between Cal Cunningham and himself when it comes to the PPP.
- Cunningham’s handling of his employment record is only one example of his constant failure to provide honest answers on key issues. Click HERE for a full rundown of the times Cunningham has been caught misleading North Carolinians.