The Questions Cunningham Needs To Answer At Tuesday’s Nexstar Debate

September 18th, 2020
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – During Monday night’s debate, Cal Cunningham attempted to pander so far to the left that he astonishingly declared he would be “hesitant” to take an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, fueling public distrust over the safety of a vaccine and generating a media firestorm after the debate. Cunningham’s reckless comments came as he opposed COVID-19 relief legislation that funds vaccine research, emergency loans to small businesses, and extends unemployment benefits.
Since Monday night, Cunningham has gone completely dark, avoiding both voters and the media. It’s no surprise that Cunningham, a seasoned trial lawyer and experienced career politician, has been spending countless hours all week preparing for Tuesday’s Nexstar debate. Indeed, he will be well-prepared and fully ready to mislead North Carolinians about Senator Tillis’ record of delivering results for North Carolina in order to distract from his goal of going to Washington to push for his liberal priorities of raising taxes, moving America closer to government-run health care, embracing radical protestors, and implementing job-killing environmental policies.
However, North Carolinians aren’t going to buy what Cal Cunningham is selling. During Tuesday night’s Nexstar debate, Cunningham will continue to be exposed as just another politician who will say anything to win an election so he can become a rubber-stamp for Chuck Schumer’s extreme liberal agenda.
Here are some of the questions Cunningham will be forced to answer during Tuesday’s Nexstar debate:
- Why did Cunningham say he was “hesitant” to take an FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine and fuel public distrust over a vaccine?
- Why did Cunningham sign a pledge to voters that he would not raise their taxes and then go to Raleigh and raise taxes by $1 billion soon after being elected? And why does he support Joe Biden’s plan to raise taxes by $3 trillion in the midst of a pandemic?
- After hypocritically criticizing the Paycheck Protection Program, why did Cunningham deliberately mislead North Carolinians by claiming he stopped working for WasteZero before they received a PPP loan even though he was “aware” of the loan was still being paid by the company after they received their loan?
- What compelled Cunningham to tout the merits of communism?
- Why did Cunningham abruptly leave Vanderbilt?
- Why did Cunningham recently campaign and align himself with a left-wing group that promotes a platform calling for defunding border security, cutting military spending, and raising taxes to provide a guaranteed income for doing no work?
- Why did trial lawyer Cunningham ignore the concerns of local citizens and environmental groups and push for the highly controversial 751 South project in Durham? Why did Cunningham exert pressure on Durham elected officials while his firm bankrolled a super PAC propping up politicians who supported the project? Cunningham even told the News & Observer in December 2011 that the lawsuit “keeps me in business.”
- Why does Cunningham run blatantly false TV ads about his bogus pledge to not accept corporate PAC money even though fact-checkers have rated his claim “mostly false”?
- Why did Cunningham prominently tout that he was “born in a trailer park” during his failed 2010 U.S. Senate campaign and then mysteriously omit this detail during his 2020 U.S. Senate campaign?
- Why did Cunningham suggest inserting Green New Deal priorities into the phase III COVID-19 relief package?
- Why did Cunningham profit by representing an out-of-state client that took intellectual property from a North Carolina small business owner so that they could make more profits from China?
- Why did Cunningham spend his 2010 Senate campaign touting his connection with Cunningham Brick, but not discuss it in this race after the company shuttered two North Carolina plants, laid off 15 workers, and sold its lone remaining plant to the U.S. subsidiary of an Austrian business?